Free Face-Lifting & Rejuvenating Techniques
For those who want to naturally lift and rejuvenate their face, this free introductory course to Face Yoga is the perfect way…
Fear of aging / gerontophobia
A couple of weeks ago, I came across an article that mentioned Madonna and her fear of aging. She recently posted a…

Better Skin with Face Yoga
Face yoga is a simple exercise routine that anyone can do at home. It’s also known as “facial yoga” because it focuses…
How certain factors can change our faces
This is really an interesting topic today. Since I have been working as a Face Yoga Teacher I noticed that my clients…

The Atlas, C1, or our first cervical vertebra
Why is this 50-60 gram heavy bone the weakest link in our body. Why are the traces of his subluxation (getting out…

Still look beautiful despite restrictions
Before the Corona Virus pandemic we you could go out to a spa, beauty saloon, sport school and work on yourself without…