Often, those that choose to engage in facial exercise, are looking for a more youthful appearance. The orofacial myofunctional therapies do much more than that. Orofacial myofunctional therapy is, in a sense “neuromuscular re-education” or ” re-patterning of the oral and facial muscles. Facial and tongue exercises, combined with behavior-modification techniques help to promote a proper tongue position, improve breathing, chewing and swallowing. It also addresses proper head and neck postures, and peer-reviewed studies show a positive benefit in working to resolve jaw problems and orthodontic relapses when applying the therapy with a multi-disciplinary team.
Face (Facial) Yoga does the same since the exercises have the same effect on your face and facial muscles. It is a viable alternative or even adjunctive treatment to facial plastic surgery without the dramatic surgery. It helps to get rid of lines and saggy facial muscles on a natural way by simply exercising. Face Yoga, on that, doesn’t just address your oral cavity and tongue but also all your facial muscles and adjoined head and neck muscles. The exercises of Face Yoga also teach you to breathe properly through your nose and makes you rest your tongue against the roof of your mouth. By doing Face Yoga you exercise all your facial muscles and you work on functional posturing and chewing.
- Orthodontic relapse,
- Bottle feeding,
- Teeth grinding,
- Speech problems,
- Bloating due to air swallowing,
- Thumb sucking, nail or lip biting or other oral habits,
- Allergies,
- Mild to moderate sleep apnea,
- Snoring,
- Food texture sensitivities,
- Frequent headaches,
- Neck pain,
- Long Face Syndrome,
- TMJ problems,
- Developmental delays, such as low muscle tone,
- Frequent choking, gagging or trouble swallowing,
If you have any of these issues, I would urge you to find a trained and certified therapist who can customize the exercises based on your specific anatomy and needs, and enter into a long-term coaching relationship. There are hundreds of exercises, and each individual is unique. It’s a grave mistake to think that you can just do a few basic exercises from a book for a few weeks and be done. In order to really re-pattern all the muscles involved, you need to do it slowly, over time, in order to reprogram your muscle memory.
To get all your oral-facial and neck muscles working correctly can make a huge difference in your health, well-being, and appearance. It can even change the way your face looks, as it actually may change the facial structure. Your skull bones may shift in a slow, comfortable manner. Just as a trained athlete you can reap more benefits from regular and consistent exercise and you may come to discover the following Face Yoga benefits:
- Reduces asymmetry of the eyes,
- Reduces the asymmetry of the mouth,
- Improved vision,
- Improved breathing through the nose,
- Alleviate sinus problems,
- Lessen visible effects of light strokes,
- Assists with speech-languagepathology,,