Special Christmas discount of 60%
for all Face Yoga programs online !!!
Use coupon XMASS2024
Valid until the 5th of January 2025
Nudim online kurseve za Face Yoga koji vam omogućavaju da trenirate mišiće lica, tako da možete postići prirodno podizanje lica koje vam je potrebno! Bez obzira da li je u pitanju dupla brada, bore oko očiju, simetrija lica ili glađa koža. Možete odabrati kurs koji vam najviše odgovara. Takođe nudim kompletan paket sa online individualnim časovima putem Skype-a ili Google Meet-a. Počnite sa mojim besplatnim uvodnim kursom u Face Yoga i dobijte popust kupon nakon završetka!
Ja sam Viktorija (Viki) Oudman, sertifikovani instruktor Face Yoga. Život ne ide uvek kao što smo planirali, a starenje može uticati na naše samopouzdanje. Ali evo dobre vesti: Face Yoga vam može pomoći da izgledate i osećate se mlađe prirodno, bez potrebe za botoksom.
Pridružite mi se na ovom putovanju da povratite svoju lepotu, povećate svoje samopouzdanje i učinite svet lepšim mestom—jedno lice po jedno. Hajde da zajedno prihvatimo prirodan put ka sjajnoj, bezvremenoj lepoti. Dobrodošli na Face Yoga For You!
Cenovni planovi
Gde god da se nalazite, sada možete vežbati Face Yoga sa ovim online lekcijama. Možete plaćati mesečno ili jednokratnu naknadu za Lifetime kurs.
Mesečni Kurs
$9.99 /mesec
Video lekcije po zahtevu po regiji lica.
Kurs za Čitav Život
$599 /jednokratna naknada
Pristup na zahtev tokom celog života.
Podršku putem e-pošte, pristup ažuriranjima video lekcija, različite metode plaćanja.
Viktorija (Viki) Oudman je sertifikovana učiteljica Face Yoga koja pomaže pojedincima da postignu mlađi i samouvereniji izgled bez korišćenja skupih krema ili tretmana botoksom. Put Viki ka postajanju učiteljicom Face Yoga počeo je nakon njenih zdravstvenih problema, uključujući dijagnozu Lupusa, što ju je navelo da više sluša svoje telo i proba alternativne prakse. Otkrila je moć vežbi Face Yoga i videla rezultate već nakon nekoliko nedelja, što ju je podstaklo da nastavi sa vežbanjem i na kraju postane sertifikovana učiteljica.
Kao neko ko je lično iskusio negativne efekte starenja, Viki se strastveno zalaže za pomoć drugima da izgledaju i osećaju se najbolje moguće putem prirodnih metoda Face Yoga. Njen pristup fokusiran je na ravnotežu, samopouzdanje i životni stil prirodnog života. Ona veruje da svako može imati koristi od Face Yoga, bez obzira na svoje poreklo ili godine, i videla je transformišuće efekte ove metode na svojoj koži.
Cilj Viki je da podeli moć Face Yoga sa svetom i pomogne pojedincima da postignu prirodniji, mlađi izgled. Sa svojim iskustvom, ekspertizom i strašću za prirodan način života, ona se posvećuje tome da drugima pomogne da postignu svoj najbolji izgled. Pridružite se hiljadama ljudi koji su već imali koristi od ove životno važne metode i započnite svoje putovanje ka mlađem, samouverenijem sebi danas!
“I took part in virtual one on one face yoga training sessions with Viki over a period of a few months (I live in Canada). I found Viki to be extremely professional, knowledgeable, pleasant, and patient.”
“I enjoyed doing this with my friends. I suffer from slightly drooping eyelids, deeper lines around the corners of the mouth and lines under my eyes. Even though I find it difficult to discipline myself, I am very positive. Also with the online system that helps you with a calendar. ”
“Viktorija knows a lot and can help you look happier and younger with her facial yoga techniques! 👍🏼”
Denise Stahlie Rivera
International Trance Vocalist, Bilingual 🇺🇸🇪🇸Voice-Over actress, Latin singer, & Zumba instructor
“Viktorija has guided this process with so much love & patience. She didn’t overload me with information but week by week she taught me little chunks of wisdom & practical uses of natural healing. 🧘♀️ About selflove, selfcare, meditation, affirmations, detoxing, food as medicine, raw food, gut health, healthy posture, yoga, faceyoga, skincare, embracing feminity, atlas-adjustment, parasites, wild herbs, natural supplements and so much more. 💃 In the beginning I often sat there with tears, not knowing what to do anymore. Week after week I felt stronger, healthier and discovered my power within. With Viki as my cheerleader.🤗 🌏 Our relationship has changed from only a coaching one to a special friendship. 🙏🏻 ” ”
Irene Pot
Shiatsu & Energetic Therapist at Itouch Shiatsu
“Viktorija’s program offers instructive and practical tips for facial skin care and maintaining facial muscle tone. How simple and easy are the videos with the exercises to follow, it is a pleasure to practice with them. And as the whole program is designed so that it requires only a few minutes a day time invested”
Marina Grubić
Founder Healthglows & Raw food diet coach
“Had a nice face yoga yesterday, which I had never heard of before. A world literally opened up for me. Received good exercises to get started at home. Victoria, you’re doing this right And full of love and passion. I definitely recommend everyone to try this one out.”
Tamara Nasri
“First of all I would like to thank Viktorija for all the time, effort and energy she has put into our classes. I have to admit that I didn’t believe 100% at the beginning whether this would help at all. But I really see that I have changed not only in “the face” but also in personality and the way of thinking and acting. During the lessons it was not only about practice, but also about you as a person as a whole. I found it a fun, soothing, crazy experience that I really carry in my heart! This woman is special and wishes only the best and healthiest for you!”
Aldijana Skamo
“Why Botox when there is Face Yoga.”
“Thank you Viktorija, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have known about face yoga. I've been doing it in the morning and evening for over two weeks now, haha one evening while we were at our friend's place and they were driving us home, I said, "Well, by the time we get home, I'll do my exercises." So when I was sending kisses to the side, I had to straighten my arm so that people in other cars wouldn't stare at me 🤣.”
Dalida Grmuša Maršon
Composer, pianist & artist
“Last year I started facial yoga, which was completely new to me. I was already familiar with Yin yoga, so why not yoga for the face. The reason for this was that I felt my face was getting a bit shapeless and I didn’t feel very happy when I looked in the mirror either. During the sessions I became aware of how many muscles there are in a face and how tense and untrained these muscles sometimes are and the crookedness in the face also started to stand out. I learned a lot of exercises and because I was so busy with my face, a lot more changed. My face got a softer expression, but I also became happier when I looked in the mirror and I found myself beautiful again just by doing the exercises, very funny. I also noticed that my face became much tighter and even if I hadn’t practiced for a while (I’m not always consistent), I immediately notice a difference when I start practicing again. A good foundation has been laid. Viktorija is a very positive inspirer and does not only look at the face, but at the whole person. Thank you Viktoria”
Aukje Steen
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